Hotel Booking Website Project Sim (Scrum Edition - Electronic)

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This exercise is a short workshop which provides an in-depth practical project simulation using Agile and Scrum to help learn some deep lessons about how Scrum projects work.

This project runs for 4 x 8 minute Sprints, with each Sprint containing Sprint Planning, Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective events, and using a Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog to manage the work.

The exercise allows for non-programmers and programmers alike to contribute to a technical project by completing several User Stories to produce a website.


Allow 120 mins (2 hours) for this exercise.



Part 1: Setup

  1. Form a team of up to 3 people
  2. Get a laptop for the team
  3. Get a set of stories, epics, sprint labels, a story mapping poster and a Scrum worksheet for the team

Part 2: Product Backlog

  1. Set the timer for 10 minutes
  2. Cut out the User Stories for the exercise
  3. Arrange the User Stories into a Story Map on the desk with the Epics across the top and the User Stories aligned under each Epic
  4. Next place the Sprint Labels down one side of the Story Map and adjust the User Stories into the desired Sprint whilst still keeping them aligned with the Epics

Part 3: Sprints

  1. Set the Timer for 4 minutes for Sprint Planning and figure out as a team which items are to be worked on for the Sprint
  2. Set the timer for 8 minutes for the Sprint and use the Mobirise app to create the features in the chosen User Stories and incorporate them into your website
  3. Set the timer for 5 minutes for the Sprint Review and inspect what you have created in the Sprint making decisions about how the future Sprints should be adjusted
    1. Also mark on the Velocity Chart on the Scrum Worksheet mark off how many points (red numbers on the User Stories) were completed during that Sprint
  4. set the timer for 3 minutes for the Sprint Retrospective and using the Scrum Worksheet write down what was working for you, what challenges you faced and what improvements you want to make for the next Sprint.

Repeat the above steps for 4 Sprints.

Part 4: The Debrief

  1. Set the timer for a 15 minutes and discuss as a team what you observed during the exercise
    • Using the Debrief cards may help to stimulate conversation
  2. Call over the facilitator to review

See Also