Scrum Framework

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The Scrum framework is currently the most widely known and used agile framework in the world, and was first presented by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland at the OOPSLA conference in 1995. The definition for the framework and the underlying source is the The Scrum Guide which is periodically updated and is a concise guide of the components and how scrum works.

Scrum is intended to be a framework rather than a process or methodology, in that, there is just enough structure, (for those organisations that like structure,) and enough space for interpretation of how to do the work in an agile way within the structure.

Scrum is quite simple to understand, but also difficult to master especially if the environment has been conditioned with traditional project delivery approaches such as Waterfall for example, and so hands on practice is strongly recommended to explore how Scrum works in different contexts and discover what is needed to succeed.

Scrum Framework


When using the framework, Sprints are used as protected timeboxes that are fixed in duration and provide a rhythm or heartbeat to the work, and provide opportunities to inspect and adapt the work.

Scrum Events

There are a few simple events in the framework and include:

Although classed as an activity and not an event, also check out:

Scrum Roles

There are only three roles in the framework:

Scrum Artefacts

Scrum artefacts include the Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog and the Increment:

Scrum Theory

The underlying theory and influences for the framework:

Common Scrum Metrics

See Also


  1. The Scrum Guide