PO Conference Website Part 1

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This exercise provides some experience in creating an Impact Map for a conference website.


This scenario is that your team are working for a website development company and one of your clients would like to provide a Product Owner conference, with one of the main components being the website. The website is expected to provide information before the event, information for attendees during the event, and post event news and information.

Background Info

Things to consider:

  • 2 Day conference for Product Owners
  • Venue is at a large local hotel
  • Breakfast and registration from 08:00 – 09:30 on Day 1
  • Day 1 opens at 08:00 and closes at 17:00
  • Day 2 opens at 09:00 and closes at 17:00
  • 1000 attendees
  • Ticket prices are tiered:
    • 100 x Early bird: $800
    • 800 x Nominal: $900
    • 100 x Late arrival: $1100
  • 32 speakers across 4 rooms at the venue with 4 x parallel speaker sessions per day
  • 3 keynote speakers (1 keynote each morning of Day 1 and Day 2 at 09:30 + the third at 16:00 on Day 2 to close the conference)
  • Lunch, morning and afternoon tea + catering provided
  • Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsors with advertisement needed
  • Community sponsor to fund the evening social gathering on the evening of the first day
  • 5 workshops with 5 facilitators over 2 days prior to the conference
  • Special concessions for attendees staying at a local hotel


Allow 3.5 hours for this exercise.


  • Flip chart paper
  • Persona templates
  • Business Model Canvas
  • Post-it notes
  • Coloured pens

Tasks: Understanding the Problem

  1. As a team review the scenario and become familiar with the needs
  2. Perform a 2 Min Brainstorm individually on post-it notes to derive some high level ideas about the conference website
  3. Next review the ideas and Affinity Map them together into common categories and groups to provide inspiration for the next sections
  4. From the collections of post-it notes derive a few goals for the website
  5. Next draw Empathy Maps for each of the actors e.g. attendees (new to agile and seasoned practitioners,) sponsors, speakers, the venue and suppliers etc.
  6. Ask the facilitator for several persona templates, and fill them out to represent the actors that you have just done empathy maps for
  7. Next draw User Journeys for a few of the key actors to understand their experience as they use the website – what are the deeper insights into their journey?
  8. Search for up to 3 similar conference websites to provide some feature ideas and record the key features that you like on post-it notes
  9. Fill out a Business Model Canvas for the website to provide more structure around the value proposition, customer groups and what’s in it for the conference and attendees
  10. Draw up a large Impact Map template across 2 sheets of flip chart paper on the wall with enough space for Goals, Actors, Impacts and Deliverables.
  11. Add the goal(s) of the conference website that you derived earlier and write them on large post-it notes, placing them on the impact map in the Goals section
  12. Add the personas to the impact map under the Actors section
  13. From the Business Model Canvas, derive the impacts that you would like to provide for each of your actors and place them as post-it notes on the impact map
  14. Decompose the impacts into deliverables to be provided by the website to form the basis of the Product Backlog of items needed to be done and put them as post-it notes under the Deliverables section of the impact map
  15. Have a quick break – meet with other teams and review each other’s work and adjust the impact map as necessary

See Also
