User Map

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The User Map, (presented by Ben Crothers at the Agile Australia 2019 conference,) provides a nice graphical way to represent the Utility, Usability and Desirability of a product, and can be used in a workshop to discover new features that resonate from the customers' perspective.

User Map

The components of Person (Who), Product (What) and Purpose (Why) present a three way relationship that indicates the Usability, Utility and Desirability of the product from the perspective of the customer.

Workshop Approach

This diagram could be used on a whiteboard or flip chart to provide a template that can be annotated with post it notes written to indicate the key attributes of the product and where they gravitate towards, Who, What or Why.

Finally a subjective indicator along the relationships can be used to indicate how Usable, how Desirable and how Useful the product is. When visualised in this way it should provide an overall profile for the product and indicate potential features that can be evolved or expanded to change the profile.

See Also