Prioritisation Exercise

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This workshop provides some experience in creating a Product Backlog with a [Priority Filter] and running a dice based simulation against it to explore the need to make prioritisation decisions.

Learning Objectives

  • To be able to form a meaningful Product Backlog in the form of a story map
  • To order the items in a meaningful way
  • To be able to respond to the changing situation and make prioritisation decisions


Allow for 30 minutes for table groups to successfully complete their tasks



  1. Cut up the "Prioritisation Initiatives, Epics and Stories"
  2. Choose one of the themes and place stories that belong to that theme in an A5 envelope
  3. Stick the epic of the corresponding theme to the front of the A5 envelope and seal it
  4. Place the A5 envelope inside an A4 envelope
  5. Stick the initiative of the corresponding themes to the front of the A4 envelope
  6. Repeat for the other themes
  7. There should be 4 x A4 envelopes, one for each pair of themes, with 2 x A5 envelopes inside each one, with 3 x stories inside each A5 envelope
  8. Finally seal the A4 envelopes


The scenario is to deliver the maximum value possible within simulated 6 sprints. At various times the prioritisation choices will need to be made based upon the roll of the dice and how well the participants score.


  1. Arrange the "Prioritisation Headers" as per the diagram below
  2. Arrange the A4 envelopes under the headers in the desired prioritisation order
  3. Select which items are going to be attempted for the first sprint and placed them under that header
  4. To get the first iteration effort completed:
    1. Roll all of the dice
    2. Subtract the total of the red dice (impact of technical debt) from the white dice
    3. The result is the first iteration effort completed
  5. Select which items in the sprint have had been completed by spending the effort completed against the item effort and mark the item when done and completed
  6. Total up the value completed in the sprint and write it on the header
  7. Unfinished items can be reprioritised in the backlog, prioritisation columns or in the next sprint
  8. Repeat for the next sprint and so on

(Hint) At any time the envelopes can be opened and replaced by the contents to "decompose" the initiative or epic into smaller items.

When finished call over the facilitator to review and discuss

Prioritisation Headers Arrangement


  • Reflect upon the prioritisation decisions that you made and how you made them through the simulation

See Also