Lego Retrospective

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The Lego retrospective is a great way to get some deeper insights into the team's thoughts and ideas by using Lego models as a metaphor to tease out new ideas.


Allow 30-40 minutes for this exercise


  • Post-it notes (one pad per person)
  • Sharpies or similar for each person
  • Lego bricks and mini figures, enough for the team to be able to build models comfortably
  • Flip chart paper


Lego Retrospective

  1. Place the Lego bricks and mini figures in the centre of the table
  2. Ask the team to build a Lego model within 10 minutes in response the question: "What went well during the Sprint and why?"
  3. Ask the team if anyone would like to share their models and encourage the other team members to write down their thoughts and comments on post-it notes, and place them up on the flip chart paper
  4. When everyone has shared their Lego models, repeat steps 1 to 5 to enhance their models for 10 minutes, but this time in response to the question "What were the challenges in the Sprint and why?"
  5. Lastly look through the models and ask the team to derive actions to resolve the challenges, and also place the resulting post-it notes on the flip chart paper
  6. Finally dote vote on the actions and prioritise the actions, with each person having 3 votes for what the see as being the most important

Don't forget to select at least one action to carry forwards to the next Sprint Planning session to be resolved in the next Sprint.