Change Dice Game

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Learning Objectives

The learning objectives for this game are to expose the confusion and turmoil associated with change, and what mitigation strategies can be employed to identify and resolve them.


  • A pair of dice for each pair of players
  • Flip chart paper and pen to keep a record of the scores achieved


  • 30 mins

Game Play

  1. One person in the group is to act as a moderator, and the rest of the group should be split into pairs with each pair having a pair of dice.
  2. The game works by players throwing a dice and then having their dice throw validated by the moderator, who will then award points to the dice players if their dice throw matches the current validation criteria.
  3. Only the moderator knows the validation criteria, which is kept secret from the other players and may be in the form “a double scores 2 points” or “a one and a six scores 3 points” for example.
  4. After a while, say 5 minutes, the players should begin to understand what the validation criteria is and will begin to form a habit to match the validation criteria. Then without notice, the validation criteria should change. The moderator will know this, but the players will have to adapt and detect the new validation criteria. This may lead to a range of feelings from confusion to frustration – this is all part of the game.
  5. Do this 3-4 times or until players can accommodate regular changes without too much disturbance.
  6. Finish the game with observations made during a change to the validation criteria: how did they feel, why did they feel that way, what strategies did they employ to accommodate change for example.